The Federal Government through the Veteran Organization Emergency Support Fund has allocated 14 million to the Legion to support branches in need.

As per the Federal Government’s Emergency Support Funding for Legion branches the following outlines the process.

Process – Branch to Dominion Command

 Legion branches will be required to submit the application form through their Provincial Command to Dominion Command to receive funding.

  1.  Applications will be attested by the Branch President or if not in a position to sign by the next in line of authority within the Branch Executive.
  2.  Applications will go through the Provincial Command and be attested at that level as well.
  3.  Once the form is complete and signed at both levels it will be submitted to Dominion Command.
  4.  The Branch will have to provide an EFT with the application in order to receive funds.   (Click on Emergency Support Funding application below)

Electronic funds transfer (EFT) is the electronic transfer of money from one bank account to another, either within a single financial institution or across multiple institutions, via computer-based systems, without the direct intervention of bank staff.

(Click on EFT application below)

Process – Dominion Command to Branch

  1.  Once the funding application via email is received it will go to the finance department to review and collate the data.
  2.  Based on the overall requests submitted and the total of the amounts requested then a prorated system will be in effect to allow the money to be distributed proportionately.
  3.  Approved funding will go directly to the Branch (via EFT) that made the application.

Eligible Expenses

As per the attached form the following are expenses eligible for reimbursement:

  • Wages and benefits
  • Professional fees
  • Travel and accommodation
  • Insurance
  • Utilities
  • Rent/mortgage payment of facility
  • Material and supplies
  • Printing and communication
  • Administration costs
  • Cleaning Services
  • Property Tax


The first applications need to be received at Dominion Command no later than 7 December with a disbursement of funds by 21 December.

  1.  For those that fail to meet the initial deadline a second request for submissions will be go out by early January and a fund release date by 29 Jan 2021.
  2.  Depending on the total amounts used and the continuation of the current pandemic further funding requests from branches will be solicited at later dates.

Submissions by Branches

All submissions go through your Provincial Command. Please refer to the correct Provincial Command office.

Command Submissions

Provincial Commands are to submit all branch applications with the applicable EFT form to DirectDeposit@legion.ca


The Federal Veteran Organization Emergency Support Fund which has allocated 14 million to the Legion will be dispensed on a as need basis and will stay in effect throughout this current crisis and as long as funds remain.