VAC Update on $600 tax free payment

Comrades All,  Veterans who have one of the following disability supports provided by Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC): will be entitled to received the COVID-19 one time $600.00 tax free payment for those Canadians with disabilities.

  • Disability Pension
  • Disability Award
  • Pain and Suffering Compensation
  • Critical Injury Benefit
  • Rehabilitation Services and Vocational Assistance Program
  • Income Replacement Benefit, and/or
  • Canadian Forces Income Support

Further information and details can be found on the link below.  It seems that there will be no need to apply and that the payment will be automatic and expected sometime this fall to show up by cheque or direct deposit.

For Seniors that have already received the $300.00 payment and are eligible for the disability payment, it will be reduced to an additional $300.00, for those that were also on GIS and received $500.00, the payment will be an additional $100.00

Please ensure that your members and local Veterans are aware that the payment will be coming this fall.