Important Message from Dominion Command (Closures & Sports)

From: Steven Clark <>
Date: Tue, 24 Mar 2020 at 12:14
Subject: Legion House Closure


Legion House Closure

As directed by the Ontario provincial government, all non-essential workplaces in Ontario must close as of midnight tonight (Tuesday) for at least the next 14 days.  This decision impacts Legion House.  All staff will continue to work from home but no supply orders or membership cards/stickers can be mailed.

Exception:  Veterans Services, Financial Services (payroll and cheque production) and ON Command Service Bureau can continue to work at Legion House as necessary in support of their work with “…the provision of food, shelter, safety or protection, and/or social services and other necessities of life to economically disadvantaged and other vulnerable individuals, including but not limited to food banks, violence against women emergency shelters, homeless shelters, community housing, supportive housing, children's aid societies, residential services for adults with developmental disabilities and for children, and custody and detention programs for young persons in conflict with the law;”

Track & Field / Dominion Convention

Discussion by the respective committees is occurring over whether these major summer events will proceed as planned or be cancelled / postponed.  There are no current cancellation or postponement plans, however, the safety of all participants needs to be considered.  The final decision rests with DEC.

CHL Memorial Cup

This event, scheduled for 22-31 May in Kelowna, BC, is cancelled.  Comrade Angus was to represent the Legion at this championship.

With regards,
Steven Clark

National Executive Director / Directeur exécutif national