Veterans Ombudsman PEI Visit - May 28

Colonel (Ret’d) Nishika Jardine the Veterans Ombud will conduct a town hall meeting on 28 May from 1830-2000 at the Charlottetown Public Library. 

They have hosted Town Halls throughout Canada, to inform Veterans (and family members) about our work (the Office of the Veterans Ombud (OVO)), and to hear from Veterans about their concerns regarding support to Veterans and their families.

During these Town Halls, we have counted on local RCL Branches to assist in getting the word out about the event, and even hosting town halls at their local branches.

Could you please distribute the attached posters to your PEI Branches, and encourage them to inform their members and circle of contacts? This is the first time in many years that the Ombud has conducted a Town Hall in Charlottetown, and we anticipate an informative and well-attended event.

(See attached Posters)